Our History with Special Olympics

Interior Investments’ Aeron Hockey has benefitted Illinois Special Olympians singe it’s inception in 2007. Since then the event has raised over $600,000 to support Special Olympics events and athletes.

Special Olympics is a global organization that unleashes the human spirit through the transformative power and joy of sport, every day around the world. Through programming in sports, health, education and community building, Special Olympics is changing the lives of people with intellectual disabilities solving the global injustice, isolation, intolerance and inactivity they face. Special Olympics Illinois provides opportunities for more than 22,500 athletes, more than 20,000 Young Athletes, 45,000 volunteers and thousands more people statewide through 18 Area programs in all 102 counties of the state.

Billy Braasch
Special Olympics Ambassador

Amanda Spies
Director of Development
Special Olympics Illinois